Led by Dr. Darni M. Daud, Rector of Syiah Kuala University, and Professor of College of Teacher Training and Education and Dr. Qismullah Yusuf, Professor of College of Teacher Training and Education of Syiah Kuala University, Chairman of Human Resource Development Division of Aceh Provincial Government, and Chairman of Aceh Scholarship Commission, the Indonesian delegation, along with accompanying members of Bamboo Community University Association visited Dr. Shu-Hsiang Hsu, the President of Transworld Institute of Technology in discussion of collaboration and development opportunities.
Established in 1961, Syiah Kuala University, a state-run institution, with over 20,000 students and 1,800 instructors/ employees, confers accredited study programs in B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. available in 35 disciplines.
Syiah Kuala University in Indonesia's Aceh province was hardest hit by the tsunami in 2004, with more than 128,645 people losing their lives, 37,063 missing and 532,898 being displaced, according to Indonesian government. The Human Resource Development Division of Aceh Provincial Government thus came into being and took the initiative in selecting outstanding candidates to pursue a master's and doctoral degree with scholarships in the U.S.A., Japan, Australia, and Germany. Upon completion of their studies, these recipients will be retained in some local government, institution, and community in the hope of revitalizing the lost manpower.
The visiting delegates were escorted to the Center for Ecotourism Education and Development, Library, Experimental Farm (Greenhouse), Graduate Institute/ Department of Environmental Resources Management, and Department of Biotechnology by Transworld representatives. Delegates were especially amazed by Transworld's sustainability of green campus and commercialization of biotechnology R & D achievements!
In the MOU Signing Ceremony, both sides pledged to participate in many significant activities, such as the promotion of academic exchange and internship opportunities for students and teachers, the joint organization of seminars, workshops and conferences in the area of education, and the training for vocational teachers. It is finally agreed that the program of exchange students will hopefully be launched in 2010.